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Recent News

The Impact of Women in Sport at Fisher A collage of three photos: coach Phil Kahler speaking with a basketball player on the sidelines, Emily Markarian field hockey, coach LInda Michele on the sidelines

03/26/2021 - Sean Farnsworth ’05, director of Sports Information, shares the history of women in sport at Fisher.

$1.6 Million Gift to Expand the Victor E. Salerno, Sr. Scholarship at St. John Fisher College Vic Salerno-960

03/10/2021 - St. John Fisher College has announced a $1.6 million gift from alumnus Victor E. Salerno ’66 in support of the Victor E. Salerno, Sr. Scholarship.

Fisher Receives Scholarship Support from Thiem Charitable Foundation Kearney Hall

03/08/2021 - St. John Fisher College received $125,000 from the Alvin F. and Ruth K. Thiem Foundation to support three scholarship programs.

Grant Bolsters Financial Aid for Fisher Students Logo: Mother Cabrini Health Foundation

02/26/2021 - A $300,000 grant from the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation will help St. John Fisher College provide additional financial assistance to students facing economic hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Media and Communications Honors Two Undergraduates Riley Moscicki ’21  and Kate Fitscher ’23

12/10/2020 - Two students in the Department of Media and Communication at St. John Fisher College were honored this fall for their academic accomplishments.

Fisher Giving Day Surpasses Fundraising Goal Fisher student smiling and giving thumbs up to camera

12/02/2020 - It was a record-setting day for philanthropy at St. John Fisher College with the second annual Fisher Giving Day on Tuesday, Dec. 1.

Bob Heerkens Continues to Inspire as Bob the Giver Bob Heerkens

12/01/2020 - Bob Heerkens earned the nickname Bob the Builder, but he is also Bob the Giver

Bob Moline ’68 Deepens His Commitment to Fisher Athletics for Fisher Giving Day Bob Moline ’68

11/17/2020 - If you’ve been to a Fisher sporting event, chances are you’ve seen Bob Moline ’68. One of the most loyal and ardent supporters of Fisher athletics, Bob can be found cheering on the Cardinals from the stands, chatting with fellow fans, or catching up with coaches, players, and parents post-game.

Cardinals in the Classroom Collage of headshots of Lesli Myers-Small, Kimberly Brown, Brian Siesto, Gina Roselli, Megan Eddy, Matt DiGiambattista, Alivia Clark, and Tim Coon

11/16/2020 - There isn’t an industry, sector, or profession that hasn’t felt the jolting changes caused by the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus. But, it could be argued that education, in particular, has felt that disruption more than other entities, as teachers, administrators, students, and families experience new models of education together.

Endowment Funds Student Internships in New York City Students in Fisher's Investment Club visit the Nasdaq during a trip to New York City.

11/11/2020 - St. John Fisher College alumnus and trustee Michael O’Conor ’78 has made a generous $100,000 gift to the College to establish the Pam and Michael A. O’Conor ’78 New York City Internship Endowment. The fund will support career-immersion experiences in the greater New York City area for Fisher students, including stipends toward living accommodations, subway passes, and other expenses.

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