Purpose. Impact. Transformation.
Join us on our continued journey of the most ambitious comprehensive campaign in our history. Together, we are moving Fisher Forward.
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Thank You!
Nearly one year ahead of schedule, the University has surpassed its original Fisher Forward campaign goal of $75 million. Now, striving to even greater heights, the campaign is extended through 2025.
Our Campaign Priorities

"For the last 50 years, Fisher has been a very special place for us, and we are pleased to be a part of the Fisher community. The Tepas Commons will be an indoor and outdoor area where students can gather and grow both academically and socially. We feel very blessed to make this contribution on behalf of the generations of Fisher students who will utilize this space.”

"I am grateful for the opportunity to come alongside Fisher [as pharmacy students] prepare to serve future patients and strengthen our pharmacy profession in service to the world."
— Lucy P. Malmberg
"We cherish the foundation in accounting and business education that we received, along with the lifelong relationships we have formed through Fisher."
— John ’71 and Carol ’74 (Sloan) Almeter